Good Afternoon,

My name is Shmuel,

I was profoundly moved and deeply inspired by this life altering Lefonecho! It is extremely special and will Iy'h, I'm certain be life altering for Klal Yisroel.

Please kindly mail free CD's to my father's Shul, so that he may distribute them to his congregation.

Thank you very much!

Tizku L'Mitzvos

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One of the most powerful messages I have heard. Thank you so much for passing it on. This is why your emphasis on reminding people of his presence is so important. So we never forget even when we are not aware of it.

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Listened to the Lefonecho CD. It's פיקוח נפש for everyone to hear. Can I have 50 copies to hand out to my friends?

Chaver Lakewood Kollel

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Listened to CD .

It is מלא התפעלות.

Shedlitzer Rebbe

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Was driving on the road and was going

to do an עבירה but I remembered the Lefonecho CD I heard a few days before and said to myself. How can I do this sin right in front of Hashem? I was פורש from the עבירה.

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I procrastinated listening to the Lefonecho CD. Finally I listened

in my car, not once but three times, and was very inspired. Please give

me 18 CD's to give out this week to

my Kollel together with their Kollel checks.

Rosh Kollel Lakewood

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This Lefonecho CD made an everlasting impression on me.

 מחנך Lakewood

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Hashem sent me specially to your Shul last week so I should be זוכה to a לפניך CD. Now when I daven and I see לפניך I am נתעורר. I told this over to my בחורים at a שמוז in yeshiva. Please give me 20 CD's to distribute.

  Lakewood ר"ם 

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 ר' יעקב, מאד נהניתי מן דבריך וגם נתעוררתי. יישר כחכם בעד כל אלו ששמעו את השיעור ובודאי גם הם נתעוררו. מובטחני שיש עוד מרגליות טובות גנוזים באוצרך הטוב. יה"ר שנזכה ליהנות גם מהם בקרוב.

ידידך, דוב

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Loved your talk. 

"Whoever does not see God everywhere does not see him anywhere." 

Kotzker Rebbe

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Beautiful shuir. In the middle I was thinking about Modeh Ani and the brocho of Hamapil that also has the word Lefonecho. We start and end our day with this concept. The Hakdomo to Mesilas Yesharim states that our mission is to grab hold of the Ziv Hashchinah. I always said that the difference between my Zeidy and me was, that he knew the Borei Olam. Not just believed in Him but literally knew 100%. I can only hope to achieve a ziv of this maaleh and thank you for sharing. This is a very important middah. I know that my wife also has that quality. I seemingly surround myself with this, hoping it can have on me also.

267- 76069xx

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Hi R' Yaakov I just finished listening to the shuir, truly amazing.
I believe this is what’s missing in today’s generation. 

Hashem should help your cd reach every Yid. We should be zocha to Moshiach.

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Thank you! I started listening! BEAUTIFUL WORDS!

I will be”h send it to the Rov.


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Was very inspired from listening to the לפניך CD. Need to listen ten times till it is נחקק בלבי. Not a שמונה עשרה goes by without me thinking

of לפניך.

Phil Kaluszyner

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Hi Rabbi Singer,

Thank you so much again for the uplifting message.

There isn't any more meaningful shiur I could've possibly listened to today on Asarah Bteves a day of growth and introspection than your Lefonecho shiur. The whole thing from beginning to end was mamash unbelievable. . Starting with the earth shattering "Chatanu Lefonecho" vort, to the "Ki B'Ohr Panecha Nasata Lanu Hashem Elokeinu" idea. That really struck a chord within me. The fact that once you daher Panecha then you get Hashem Elokeinu, and only then can you ask for Toras Chayim. And when you were discussing Avrohom Avinu "Eshalech Lifnei Hashem", all he wanted out of life was to feel and recognize Lefonecho. As the kollel Yungerman said in the story, this shiur is truly a game changer, and when a person has this recognition then everything in their Ruchniyos is going to be different. It will be a more meaningful Shemoneh Esreh, learning will be from a perspective of "This is Hashems Torah", as you said it's a different Abaye and Rava. Mastering Halacha becomes a whole different Limud. Now everything will come from the recognition that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is really here and involved in my life. Yasher Koach.

Yaakov Moskowitz

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Dear Rabbi Singer שליט"א 

I still remember clearly that Purim morning after שחרית when you came over to me with your life changing CD. When I was listening to your CD I was really taken with the יסודות you were conveying and I was thinking to myself, how could it be that it took so long for me to be זוכה to these יסודות. The next day in ישיבה I told my מנהל and חברים about what I had been זוכה to hear the night before and their response was all the same,

can I please get ahold of this CD. 

So I pen you this letter for two reasons. One, for הכרת הטוב to you for sharing with me your outstanding יסודות of לפניך. Secondly, if I may ask for more 

CD's for my 'חברים וכו'. 

I end with a ברכת כהן, that you should continue עד מאה ועשרים in good health spreading the דבר השם to the whole כלל ישראל as a whole and to every יחד as a פרט אמן.

ישר כח


שמואל דוב כהן

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Subject: Feedback on CD

Shalom ubracha,

My name is Moshe Schwab and I enjoyed your cd very much. 

Just wanted to ad- by Asher yatzar

we say ee efsher lehiskayem v’laamod  Lefonecha. According to what you were saying the pshat would be that even if I could live with a blocked or ruptured organ I certainly couldn’t have the ability to realize your presence because of pain and discomfort.

 Moshe Schwab


Thank you for your email. 

Pshat is as follows:

The main purpose in life is to live a לפניך life. Always aware of Hashem’s presence, everywhere, all the time. "שויתי ה לנגדי תמיד". With clogged or ruptured organs it's impossible to continue living the לפניך life we need to lead. 

So in the ברכה of אשר יצר we are thanking Hashem for the healthy functionality of our organs which enables us to live a לפניך life. If they failed אי אפשר להתקיים " ולעמוד לפניך, we would not survive to live a לפניך life. Therefore after the miracle of evacuation had taken place and it is "אפשר להתקיים", we need to give praise to Hashem, standing in one place, "ולעמוד לפניך" with the awareness that we are actually "לפני כסא כבודך" .

Rabbi Yaakov Singer

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Impossible to listen to the לפניך CD and not be inspired to change. Mitzvah for everyone to hear it and spread it.

Lakewood Learner Earner

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Picked up your לפניך CD in the שמן למנחה Shul and was very inspired by what I heard. It was very מעורר me. Since then, my Davening has not been the same.

Lakewood N.J. Resident

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Thank you for the CD. I listened to it three times. It is out of this world, especially with all the מקורות you mention. Want to thank you for the inspiration. 

Rabbi Shimshon Friedman

Brooklyn, N.Y.

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Listened to the CD over and over again and was very inspired. It is יסודי יסודות that everyone must know.

Rabbi Jacobovics

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My life will never be the same now that I am aware, that I am always in the presence of Hashem.

Habocher Jaffe

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